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Can Herniated Discs Cause Height Loss?

A herniated spinal disc (also known as a “slipped disc” or “bulging disc”) can contribute to an assortment of symptoms, although none of the more common symptoms involve height. Still, it is only natural to wonder if a herniated spinal ...
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Epidural Injections for Herniated Discs: How Long Do They Last?

Epidural injections can provide relief for patients who have chronic back pain or discomfort related to a herniated disc (also commonly known as a "slipped disc" or “ruptured disc”). These therapeutic injections can provide relief from ...
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How Can Bowel Function Be Affected by a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is typically a relatively minor issue, as most patients experience relief after a few weeks. The compression of nearby nerves is often limited to the lower back area in a way that is noticeable but not life-threatening or ...
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Is It Possible to Feel Bulging Discs?

If you have a bulging spinal disc, you may be wondering if you can physically feel it. You are not likely to be able to feel the disc itself, since it is located between the bones of your spine. However, you may be able to determine the ...
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How Often Is Surgery Necessary to Treat a Herniated Disc?

Herniated spinal discs are fairly common. Fortunately, surgery is not typically required for a herniated disc. In fact, only about 10 percent of herniated disc patients end up needing surgery, according to research cited by Harvard Health. ...
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How Do Herniated Lumbar Discs Feel?

Some people have lumbar herniated discs and never know it. Other individuals immediately know something is wrong because of lower back pain that often includes discomfort extending to the lower body, especially the legs. This article ...
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Is It Necessary to Have an MRI to Diagnose a Herniated Disc?

Depending on who you ask, an MRI can either be necessary or not beneficial when it comes to diagnosing herniated spinal discs. This article takes a closer look at times when an MRI may be beneficial and when it is not something that is ...
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What Long-Term Impacts Can Result from Herniated Discs?

It is not unusual to develop a herniated disc. While some people with spinal disc issues seek treatment soon after noticing symptoms, others may prefer to hold off on treatment for a variety of reasons. This article goes over the potential ...
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Can Massage Be a Good Form of Therapy for Herniated Discs?

Massage therapy has a long history of being an effective way to deal with an assortment of aches and pains. As for whether massage therapy can be beneficial for a herniated disc, there is no clear answer. For some people with mild symptoms ...
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The 4 Levels of a Herniated Disc

Spinal discs can sometimes herniate quickly, as may be the case if there is some type of trauma, such as a hard fall or a car accident. However, it is more common for spinal discs to gradually herniate, which brings us to the four stages ...
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